Urgent Care in Hillside
Family Practice & Urgent Care is located in Torrance, CA
The office was very clean and well kept. The staff was great! Very nice, clean and professional appearance. The wait time was very minimum.

Life Saver Urgent Care in Hillside
Emergencies are unexpected and it can interrupt your regular routine quite instantaneously. Panic is not the solution, finding the right care is. If you encounter a medical emergency which is not life threatening, then Life Saver Urgent Care Services in Hillside is your best bet.
Life Saver Urgent Care Specialty is in Torrance, CA which is half hour from Hillside, we recommend calling in to check for availability of professionals and services you may require. It will help you avoid waiting time and you can walk in to get treated
Services Covered at Life Saver Urgent Care, Hillside
Our Approach
Life Saver Urgent Care is equipped with a sophisticated, modernized facility in Torrence, CA. We are housed with experienced providers, nurses and caregivers who offer timely & compassionate care services.
When it’s Urgent – It’s got to be Attended Swiftly!
Book your Appointment Now!
- Torrance
- Hillside
- Country Hills
- Pacific South Bay
- South Bayport
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- Walteria
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- Southwood Riviera