Minor Injuries in torrance
Urgent Care is located in Torrance, CA
Minor Injury Care in Torrance, CA
Not every injury requires you to visit a hospital, especially if it’s a minor injury.
A minor injury deserves medical care, but you don’t need to waste time and money by visiting a hospital emergency room. At Life Saver Urgent Care, located in Torrance, California, the providers offer comprehensive care for minor injuries, including cuts, burns, sprains, and possible fractures.
Call today or use the online tool to find out availability and schedule your visit.

What are minor injuries?
Examples of Minor Injuries include:
Damage to soft tissue
Soft tissue damage can be acute. This means you injure it and feel pain right away. Examples include a sprained ankle or wrist. Soft tissue damage can also be chronic – meaning it develops gradually and is persistent. An example of a chronic soft tissue injury is nagging tendonitis.
If your pain is near a joint, you also want to rule out a possible fracture. Visit Life Saver Urgent Care for an accurate diagnosis and a referral to a specialist if you have a complex case that requires surgery.
Cuts and abrasions
Minor burns
How do you diagnose minor injuries?
How do you treat minor injuries?
If you have a minor injury, don’t hesitate to call Life Saver Urgent Care today.